Thursday, August 1, 2019


I'm having a reaaal sentimental moment here tonight (af) am I cool now? Lol!
It's been a while though, hello guys :)
I just had few questions in my mind which are longing for answers and maybe a little bit of pain in my heart which is longing for affection as I continue typing, or maybe I just want someone to talk to (or maybe not someone) because I'm in front of my laptop hahaha.
My mind's been really full lately and it's weighing too much.
I am the optimistic type. Apparently, sometimes or should I say most of the times, I tend to be sensitive and keen of the words thrown to me. I mean if it's not hard, I would've not called it throw. People around me are so not careful of the words they say against me and it makes me feel really, really sad. Do they ever think about my feelings? As far as I know, I'm human too and I'm feeling exactly how they feel.
I'm tired of feeling pain. We all are, right? Hoping that one day, someone or something can ease all that and turn it onto something wonderful.
God is always there in all those pain and I tell you guys, He's that someone who can turn pain to something really nice and it will be unexpected.
Sometimes though, I must admit that I am being blinded by worldly emotions and forgetting this. Maybe now I am? I don't want this, which is exactly the reason why I am writing now, instead of throwing back "not careful" words back to people. So yea I really called it "not careful" because I don't want to call it bad. OMG I just called it! *inserts wtf did I say emoji*
Anyway, I'm feeling better now. Guess this is the perk of being too forgetful because you easily forget and then forgive follows. Thank you Lord for your grace. Please never ever be tired of me even though at times I'm tired of myself :(
So I'm done guys. Good night!

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